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Stop letting your best ideas die in your Notes app Who this is for: - Active digital creators and creative entrepreneurs — you’re in the arena! - Creatives, artists and entrepreneurs who *want* to put their work into the world for fun or for business, but haven’t started yet - Self-help junkies who are self-aware (*I have a consistency problem! I’m a perfectionist!*) but don’t know what to do about it - Perfectionists and overthinkers who are always in their heads, always considering every option - Creative thinkers who have a ton of good ideas… but are overwhelmed by the prospect of starting any of them Who this isn’t for: - People who aren’t ready to consider that it might be them - People who are afraid to look in the mirror - People who aren’t afraid to be a litttttle bit uncomfy - People who aren’t ready to get messy, work past some mental blocks, and *try*
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